Founder's Message
Welcome to the HSA and the international world of scuba diving!
You are about to embark upon an adventure of spirit and body leading to new friends below and above water! And a new you!
Like most of us, when I was first disabled I spent my time counting the things I couldn't do, and feeling remorseful about all the physical activities I had always wanted to try that 'I thought' were no longer available to me. Scuba diving was on the top of that list. When Scuba diving became a reality to me it changed my downhill life, even before I blew one bubble! Scuba diving reinstated 'the me' I had known for the 30 years before I was injured!
I started diving in 1973 as a result of my own disability and have spent my entire diving career assisting, teaching and sport diving with students and divers with disabilities. It has been a wonderful life. Come join us, and remember, Scuba diving is an adaptive sport - for everyone, with or without a disability!
You can do it!